5 Tips for Packing a Carry-On

Everyone still seems to have the desire to get out and travel, and I definitely fall into that category! I am all about making the most of each travel opportunity. Whether the destination is across the pond or a a spot nearby, I have tips for you for packing a carry-on luggage.

The Five Tips

  1. Choose a piece of carry-on luggage that is easy to handle. Once packed, is the bag easy to lift or is the bag heavy when it is empty? Select a bag that you can manage putting in the overhead compartment all on your own.

  2. Use packing cubes to maximize the space in your luggage. You’ll be amazed what you can fit in your bag when you use the packing cubes. I tend to take 3 cubes; one for bras, underwear and socks; and the other two for outfits. This packing cube set even comes with a laundry bag!

  3. Pack your clothes by outfits and then stack the outfits by day. This will keep you organized and will easily be able to pull out your clothes as needed. This prevents having to rummage around your bag to find the articles of clothing that you’re wanting to wear.

  4. When packing for a getaway, stick to a colorway. This works well for clothes that can be mixed and matched. Also, this is a benefit for selecting which shoes to take.

  5. Limit your shoes. I know, I know, we all want to pack more shoes than we probably need, but wear your bulkiest pair of shoes on the plane and then pack the two (or more) pairs that you want to take.

Other Travel Tips

  • Separate your liquids into a clear bag. I recommend this bag from good old Target. It’s TSA approved and seals shut. I make sure to put this in a spot that is easy to access when going through airport security.

  • Take a portable charger with you (that has a full charge) so that you don’t have to worry about a low battery while you’re traveling. I prefer a portable charger that has enough power to charge my iPad and phone.

  • Bring a sweater or sweatshirt to wear on the plane. It’s often cold on flights and it’s always great to be prepared and cozy while traveling.

  • I’m always traveling with these wipes. It’s a little piece of mind to wipe down those high touch point areas when seated on the plane.

  • Don’t forget to download the airline app on your phone. Obviously this is helpful to access your boarding pass, but you can also view airport maps, order food ahead of time and you can stream shows and movies throughout your flight.

I sure hope these tips help you as you get ready for your next getaway. Leave a note in the comments with a tried and true travel hack of yours.


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