Stay in Touch

Now that life has slowed down, it’s the perfect time to reconnect with friends and family. During this “stay at home” period, I have really enjoyed weekly Zoom calls with those that I just don’t see that often. Most live far away and with the daily routine, I am guilty of not always reaching out to others. Time seems to fly by and before you know it another month has gone and I didn’t reach out to a cousin or friend.
I’ve made an effort to schedule those Zoom calls and have really loved each minute of those chats.

Another way that I have been keeping in touch with others is by sending cards. If you’re like me, you appreciate a handwritten note and look forward to a fun piece of mail. It’s the little things that make such a difference.

Lately, my online shopping has consisted of storage bins and greeting cards. Why this sounds kind of random, it’s been fun to support some great Arizona small businesses by purchasing cards. If you’re looking for cards, check out a few of my favorites! Keep in mind, each of the companies listed, are able to ship!

Cult Paper - This company designs cards that seem to say the perfect message without any of the fluff. These cards are all black and white and you’re sure to find a card for anyone.

Paige Poppe - This Arizona artist captures the beauty of the desert and transfers it on to stunning cards. The cards are vibrant and anyone will be thrilled to be a recipient of these cards.

Seriously Shannon - If you’re sending a card to someone with a sense of humor, these are the cards for you! The cards are colorful and hilarious!

Why I love Where I Live - Check out this website to order cards by various artists as well as these super cute stickers that will help you decorate any envelope or package!

I hope that you find a little time to reach out to a college roommate, a childhood friend or a family member that you just haven’t connected with recently. I promise you’ll be so happy you sent the card, picked up the phone or scheduled that happy hour Zoom call that we all seem to love!

Have fun keeping in touch!



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The Shop - April 2020